
Weekly Bible Reflection

‘An Intrepid People…?’

‘An Intrepid People…?’

Is there anything that can shake us out of our apathy and fear and make us an intrepid people? That can inject enthusiasm and joy, confidence, and courage into our lives as God’s people? Come with me to the events of Pentecost that we read about in Acts chapter 2. It...

‘A Porous Universe…!’

‘A Porous Universe…!’

Almost everything around us contains pores – the timber floor under our feet, the paperback in our hand, and the cotton sheets on our bed. Our skin and our brain are porous. Pores are a necessary part of our health and well-being. For example, blood in our skin opens...

‘Steadfast, Immovable…!’

‘Steadfast, Immovable…!’

Writing in The Australian (April 23, 2024), Dr Greg Sheridan observed, ‘Politics, as they say is downstream of culture, and culture is downstream of faith. Having lost faith in any transcendental truth, the West now is in a permanent crisis of meaning, which leads to...

‘The Dead Raised…?’

‘The Dead Raised…?’

It is said that there are two certainties in life – death and taxes. Ironically both subjects have traditionally been off limits at dinner parties. Our death is something we don’t want to talk about, let alone think about. Woody Allen once quipped: ‘It’s not that...

‘Goodbye… Or Goodnight?’

‘Goodbye… Or Goodnight?’

The people of Bondi Junction and Sydney as a whole, are appalled at the horrific knife-attacks that took the lives of six unsuspecting people in a shopping mall last Saturday afternoon. Others, including a nine month-old baby, remain in a critical condition. The shock...



Easter Day is truly a gala day when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. His resurrection underscores the validity of the Christian faith. Without it, we are lost. That said, our Easter celebration raises interesting questions: ‘Why isn’t an empty tomb the...

‘Christ is Risen…!’

‘Christ is Risen…!’

In an article in The Spectator UK, Justin Brierley writes of ‘The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God’ (March 30, 2024). He notes that ‘the New Atheists of the early 2000s – led by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett’ – and their bestselling books...

‘God’s Gift…’

‘God’s Gift…’

Have you considered the legacy you would like to leave? I’m not speaking here of a material legacy for your family but a legacy or gift for the benefit of others. Writing in The Weekend Australian (March 16-17, 2024), Nicki Gemmell spoke of ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ of...

‘God’s Strange Miracle…’

‘God’s Strange Miracle…’

In his recent insightful and challenging book, The Word of the Cross, Jonathan Linebaugh quotes WH Auden’s, ‘For the Time Being’: Nothing can save us that is possible / we who must die demand a miracle. In First Corinthians chapter 1, verses 18 and 19 Paul the Apostle...

‘An Unforgiving World…’

‘An Unforgiving World…’

Vindictiveness and anger are the playbook of life around us today - in the bedroom, social media and the corridors of power. How can we respond? Forty-five years ago, the historian and social critic, Christopher Lasch, published The Culture of Narcissism: There he...

‘Goodness in a Troubled World…’

‘Goodness in a Troubled World…’

Augustine of Hippo, North Africa, one of the great minds of the late Roman Empire, wrestled with the notion of God and the question of evil, before coming to believe that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God. He writes in his Confessions that as a young adult his...

‘Life in the Darkness…’

‘Life in the Darkness…’

In March 1973, Pink Floyd introduced the line, ‘The dark side of the moon’. The album was a great success addressing dark questions about life. The theme of darkness arose again in the 2013 movie, Gravity where Sandra Bullock is left untethered in space. The audience...

‘Spiritual Life…’

‘Spiritual Life…’

There are times when we feel we are not spiritual enough. God seems distant. Our faith feels cold. We go to church, but we don’t read the Bible or pray from one week to the next. What’s to be done? Some of us set ourselves a rigorous program, especially during Lent –...

‘Ash Wednesday: The First Day of Lent’

‘Ash Wednesday: The First Day of Lent’

Today is known in the church calendar as Ash Wednesday – the first day of Lent. Traditionally it is an important time of preparation for the events that we remember and celebrate at Easter – ‘The Last Supper’, Jesus’ crucifixion (Good Friday) and his resurrection...

‘So, What’s It All About: Meaning and Hope…!’

‘So, What’s It All About: Meaning and Hope…!’

We’re looking at Ecclesiastes, one of the wisdom books of the Bible. The wisdom books stand apart from the main narrative of the Bible, asking questions about our experiences of life. Job asks how do we make sense of suffering, especially the suffering of the...

‘So, What’s It All About: Power, Possessions…?’

‘So, What’s It All About: Power, Possessions…?’

Back in 1989 an Australian television and radio interviewer, Caroline Jones interviewed a range of well-known Australians. A question she put to everyone was, ‘How do you find meaning and purpose in life?’ Phillip Adams, an Australian media personality responded, ‘The...

‘So, What’s It All About: Time…?’

‘So, What’s It All About: Time…?’

Last Wednesday, we turned to The Book of Ecclesiastes, asking the question, ‘What’s It (Life) All About?’ Today we’re looking at Ecclesiastes, chapter 3 with a further question with this theme. ‘With the passing of the years and the seasons and our experiences of...

‘So, What’s It All About…?’

‘So, What’s It All About…?’

As we begin another year, it’s a good opportunity to ask ourselves, and to ask others, what we really think life is all about. Questions about the meaning of life and the future are surely felt by everyone who reflects on life. Over the next two or three Wednesdays I...