Weekly Bible Reflection
‘Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding…’
How often when we pray, do we focus on what we want? Yes, when catastrophic events occur, such as the conflict in the Middle-East, we pray for God’s mercy. But, in the main when we pray, don’t we expect God to answer our personal requests so that we can enjoy life to...
‘A New Year: Comfort and Joy…!’
With the many and varied changes around us –conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle-East and Africa, China’s aggressive acts, significant political and social divisions in the West, climate-change, gender issues, and the western disdain of Christianity – we might wonder...
‘Christmas: A Thrill of Hope…’
The daily round of news can be so discouraging – the continued conflict in Ukraine and now the conflict in the Middle-East, the drugs and alcohol, the homelessness, the violence and rape. Furthermore, many parents are concerned about the influences that distract from...
‘Advent: What’s It All About…?’
Despite the continuing developments of science and technology, we are made aware daily of the inability of men and woman to live at peace with one another. At every level of society, there is narcissism and greed, hatred and corruption haunting the human experience....
‘Advent: Fiction…?’
It is commonplace for contemporary scientists and philosophers to give lip service to the principle that science decides only the how questions and leaves the why questions to religion’ (italics mine), wrote the late Phillip Johnson (The Right Questions, p.68)....
‘Advent: The Right Questions’
In his book, The Right Questions (2002), the late Phillip Johnson wrote that at the heart of the cultural changes today is the sharp divergence between two very different world views: the Christian view that states (as in John 1:1-4): “In the beginning was the Word…”;...
Throughout this week, ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ will echo across the land from New York City to San Francisco. The principle of ‘Thanksgiving’ has its origins in a non-sectarian thanks to a loving, merciful and generous God. While Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamations...
‘Gospel-Led Regeneration: Questions (2)…’
With the appalling atrocities in the Middle-East and the unvarnished hatred that has emerged, the unprovoked aggression in Ukraine and the terrorist attacks in Nigeria, we may be tempted to wonder what a good and just God, if he exists, is doing. Furthermore, with the...
‘Gospel-Led Regeneration: Questions…’
In his post, ‘Unherd’, on September 24, 2023, Peter Franklin comments on a new book, The Great Dechurching, by Jim Davis and Michael Graham (August, 2023). They observe that in recent years some 40 million Americans have stopped attending church. Now it’s easy to say...
‘A Changing World: The Son of Man…’
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely…" wrote Lord Acton, in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887. Human institutions and governments don’t give us grounds for optimism, for none is perfect. No matter how good or well intentioned, all...
‘A Changing World: The Lion’s Den…’
Many in the West follow the mantra: ‘All religions are the same’. This popular form of pluralism seems to make sense, but it fails to account for the many significant differences between the world’s great religions. A more sophisticated form of pluralism argues that...
‘A Changing World: The Writing on the Wall’
Most of us find ourselves in situations where the name of God is mocked. This was happening at Belshazzar’s great feast described in the Book of Daniel, chapter 5. Persia, under the military leadership of Cyrus at the time, was threatening Babylonia’s hegemony....
‘A Changing World: Stand Firm…!’
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe to be the truth. In the sixth century BC, leading lights in Jewish society: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were, with Daniel, exiles in Babylon at the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Like Daniel they enjoyed the privilege of...
‘A Changing World: A Dream…!’
Dreams fascinate us. They can tease us with hopes that they may come true, but they can also terrify. In the past, as in some cultures today, dreams were often treated as portents of the future. So people called on the ‘wise’ and fortune-tellers to interpret their...
‘A Changing World: Times to Say, ‘No’!’
In our changing world the words, ‘In God we trust’ are fading into the mists of time. We’re now living in a brave new world where, in the west, powerful and influential voices believe they can chart a path to a secure future, even though it may mean silencing freedom...
‘Songs for Today – Mercy…’
‘Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done,’ are the words of an old Christian song. How easily we forget to thank God for the countless good things he provides for us. We take it all for granted. But there is...
‘Songs for Today – Joy…’
CS Lewis once observed, ‘I think we all sin by needlessly disobeying the apostolic injunction to "rejoice" as much as by anything else’. Yet, rejoicing is not just an apostolic injunction. Various psalms in the Old Testament Psalter pulsate with exhortations to sing...
‘Songs for Today – Doubt’
One of the things I love about the Bible is its earthy realism. It understands the world we live in – the good and the bad, the grief and the joys. It also understands how we feel about life’s injustices especially when we see people who mock the notion of God,...