
Weekly Bible Reflection

’Pentecost – the Helper and Hope …’

’Pentecost – the Helper and Hope …’

With disturbing events in the world such as the invasion of Ukraine and the shooting at the school in Uvalde, Texas, we feel the pain of the suffering and wonder where we can find help. At the beginning of John chapter 14 a dark cloud was hanging over Jesus’...

’What, Me…?’

’What, Me…?’

Over the last twenty years or so God’s people have been increasingly put on the defensive about their faith. In a climate where people of faith are dismissed as intellectually inept, many are fearful of speaking up about what they believe. Come with me to a very...

’Prayer – Relationships and Mission …’

’Prayer – Relationships and Mission …’

Sometimes one person’s life has a great and lasting impact for good. This is certainly true of the man who made an extraordinary impact on his immediate world in the three short years of his public life. The effects of Jesus’ life didn’t cease when he was put to...

’Promises …’

’Promises …’

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel God is distant and doesn’t seem to care? Come with me to John chapter 14. The chapter forms part of the record of Jesus’ final hours before his arrest and crucifixion. The meal he had with his friends that night was the...

’Life Unimaginable …’

’Life Unimaginable …’

Occasionally someone says, ‘Show me proof that God exists and I will believe’. But will they? Frederick Buechner in The Magnificent Defeat (1966) wrote: ‘We all want to be certain, we all want proof, but the kind of proof we tend to want – scientifically and...

’Feed My Sheep …’

’Feed My Sheep …’

In this Easter Season it’s helpful to reflect on the deeper significance of Jesus’ resurrection. Indeed, so life changing is it, that it’s also useful to be equipped with answers to questions about it. Ken Handley, a retired Justice of the Court of Appeal in New South...

’A Secure Hope …’

’A Secure Hope …’

The story is told of an Easter dawn in a Russian prison camp in the days of the USSR. A voice called out, ‘Christ is risen!’ and, despite the command for silence, a chorus of voices responded, ‘He is risen indeed!’ The events of the first Easter Day awakened the world...

’The Last Supper …’

’The Last Supper …’

A Maundy Thursday / Good Friday Reflection Why? Why, despite all the hopes and dreams that with globalization the world would become a better place, is there an aggressive and intrusive war against a peaceful neighbor, Ukraine? Why is it that the four freedoms defined...

’Great Expectations …?’

’Great Expectations …?’

Eleven years ago this month the world watched William and Kate’s wedding. More than 2 billion people took time out to view this royal event with its rich pageantry and ceremony. It was all that we would expect of a royal occasion. How different was Jesus’ entry into...

’Carpe Diem …’

’Carpe Diem …’

In the 1989 film Dead Poets Society a young English master at a New England Prep School is portrayed pointing out photos of past students to his class. ‘They’re all dead now,’ he says. ‘Carpe diem, seize the day,’ he advises. ‘Seize the opportunities you have before...

’Looking for Life … ?’

’Looking for Life … ?’

Eugene Ionesco’s, Exit the King is a clever play about life and death. Reportedly, the Romanian-French Ionesco who died in 1994, said about the play: I told myself that one could learn to die, that I could learn to die, that one can also help other people to die. This...

’A Wake-Up …’

’A Wake-Up …’

With the continued missile onslaught on the cities of Ukraine we feel the pain and the suffering and the loss of life. ‘Why this evil and suffering in this 21st century?’ In his 1940s book, The Problem of Pain,CS Lewis considers the question of pain and suffering from...

’Pressing On …’

’Pressing On …’

In the midst of the turmoil of the West, the evil invasion of Ukraine, and the threats to a law-based world order, where is your hope for the future? Come with me to the Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, chapter 3:12 through 4:1. In verse 12 we read: But...

’Two faces …?’

’Two faces …?’

Human relationships on the personal and international level must rate as the greatest challenge for the world’s future. The cold-blooded invasion of Ukraine reveals an oft unspoken issue that confronts us: flawed human nature. The Russian author, Aleksandr...

’The Man from Heaven’

’The Man from Heaven’

The breaking news is that Russian troops have entered Russian separatist sections of Ukraine, purportedly as peace-keepers. Is this the beginning of a changing world order championed in a recent meeting between Russia and China? In the midst of divisions and...

’True Love – Missing in Action Today’

’True Love – Missing in Action Today’

The voices around Valentine’s Day say that ‘love is everywhere’. It’s a wonderful thought but is it true? Where there is disagreement today, we find hostility, bitterness and anger. Rarely is genuine, thoughtful conversation exploring points of difference welcome. If...

’… Joy in the Morning’

’… Joy in the Morning’

For the past two years it seems that all the news has been bad news: international tensions, leaders constantly verbally attacking one another – especially during a pandemic when unity would seem to be a better way for countries to address the crisis – bitterness and...

’What if God Was One of Us?’

’What if God Was One of Us?’

Back in 1995 Joan Osborne’s ‘What If God Was One of Us?’ was an instant hit. It was asking the question how we would react if God was identifiably walking amongst us as just one of us. It’s a good question to ask in every generation, for it awakens us to a time when...