
Weekly Bible Reflection

The Jesus Story – Sign #2: A Healing from Afar

The Jesus Story – Sign #2: A Healing from Afar

Christian faith is regularly considered to be ‘a leap in the dark’. Let’s think about this. Daily we take countless steps of faith – faith that the food we eat and the water we drink won’t harm us; the traffic will stop when we step out at a marked crosswalk or zebra...

The Jesus Story – Sign #1: Water into Wine

The Jesus Story – Sign #1: Water into Wine

In his book, God and Stephen Hawking (2011), Dr. John Lennox notes a current objection to miracles that says: ‘Now we know the laws of nature, miracles are impossible’. To which Dr. Lennox responds: ‘From a theistic perspective, the laws of nature predict what is...

The Jesus Story: A Renewing Interest…

The Jesus Story: A Renewing Interest…

In the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, leading new atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Richard Dennett and the late Christopher Hitchens challenged the authenticity of religion. In 2007 The Sydney Morning Herald reported Richard Dawkins...

Songs for the Summer: A Searching Call to Worship…

Songs for the Summer: A Searching Call to Worship…

King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, tells the story of a king who voluntarily set aside his titles and property in favor of two of his three daughters, only to find himself reduced to poverty and homelessness because they reject him. “Ingratitude, thou...

Songs for the Summer: Anxiety…

Songs for the Summer: Anxiety…

In a world where there is so much uncertainty and tumult we need wise, cool and clear minds amongst God’s people, and prayer for leaders. Let me take the second point first. Prayer for Leaders. In his First Letter to Timothy, chapter 2, Paul the Apostle writes: I urge...

Songs for the Summer: How Long, O Lord…?

Songs for the Summer: How Long, O Lord…?

In April 2017, The Spectator (UK) carried an article by Douglas Murray who asked, ‘Who Will Protect Nigeria’s Northern Christians?’ Murray pointed out that the Fulani (militia) are watching everything closely from the surrounding mountains. Every week, their progress...

Songs for the Summer: Who Am I?

Songs for the Summer: Who Am I?

‘Who Am I?’ That is the question so many are asking today. Shakespeare’s Hamlet observed: What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! In apprehension how like...

‘Why Do the Nations…?’

‘Why Do the Nations…?’

So, the opening of the Paris Olympics has included a scene that seems to parody Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Last Supper.  While the organizers deny this intention, the context of the scene implies the ridiculing of Christianity. It’s rather ironic, given that...

‘Songs for the Summer: The Path to Life’

‘Songs for the Summer: The Path to Life’

Have you ever been resentful of people whose lives seem successful? They’ve achieved recognition, they have beautiful children, and take exotic vacations. The very thought of them strips any sense of happiness from you. Now there’s nothing wrong with being successful,...



Happiness is something we long for. But how can we achieve it? It’s elusive: one moment we can be feeling happy, but the next we’re not. Like moonlight it has slipped through our fingers. In fact ‘happiness’ can’t be a goal in the strict sense of the word. For a goal...

‘Paul’s Prayer: Transformation’

‘Paul’s Prayer: Transformation’

How can we weather the challenges of our messy and conflicted world? Come with me to Ephesians chapter 3, verses 14 through 21 where we find one of the great prayers of the Bible. The curtain over Paul the Apostle is drawn aside and we are given a glimpse of him at...

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (3) Confessional Unity’

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (3) Confessional Unity’

A question we rarely think about is this: ‘What does Jesus expect of everyone who believes?’ A third part of the prayer Jesus prayed on the night of his arrest provides a vital part of the answer. In John chapter 17, verse 21 we read: “I ask … that they may all be...

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (2) Life & Ministry’

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (2) Life & Ministry’

How can we be sure about God? Christianity makes claims that can be hard to believe in the 21st century – for example, its exclusiveness, its supernaturalism and its age.  To say that Jesus is the only way to God appears to be very narrow-minded. Further, the story of...

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (1) Glorify’

‘Jesus’ Prayer: (1) Glorify’

Our prayers say a great deal about us. Are your prayers like that of AA Milne’s, Christopher Robin who, in the midst of his child-like bedtime prayers, prayed that God would bless his parents as well as himself? Or do your prayers reflect the shape of the honest and...

‘Daniel’s Prayer: Heart-Felt Petition’

‘Daniel’s Prayer: Heart-Felt Petition’

I have a question: how often are your prayers prompted by your meditation on God’s Word? In Daniel chapter 9 we read: In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, by birth a Mede, who became king over the realm of the Chaldeans – in the first year of his reign,...

‘David’s Prayer: Confession’

‘David’s Prayer: Confession’

Let me ask, do you have any regrets? You may regret words you let rip and can’t take back, or a relationship you should never have started. Second Samuel, chapter 11 tells us of the occasion when King David was relaxing on the roof of the palace when he saw a woman...

‘Moses’ Prayer: The Honor of God’s Name’

‘Moses’ Prayer: The Honor of God’s Name’

Many of us are concerned with the issues of justice and peace, divisions and conflict. Is there anything we can do that might make a difference in our world where daily the news seems to get worse? Come with me to a prayer of Moses that we find in Numbers, chapter 14....

‘Never Alone!’

‘Never Alone!’

One of the ironies of today’s highly connected world is the personal isolation that many feel. Indeed, an extreme sense of personal isolation can lead to despair and even suicide. And there are times when a sense of isolation can overwhelm God’s people: prayer is...