
Weekly Bible Reflection

‘In Control…?’

‘In Control…?’

With the rise of secular progressivism and its antipathy towards religion we may be tempted to think that the opportunity to bring God into our conversations is a lost cause. It’s important that we remain calm and remember that God’s truth has touched the hearts of...

The Unknown God

The Unknown God

GK Chesterton is reputed to have said, ‘When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing anything’. In today’s changing world Christianity is often dismissed as being anti-intellectual: ‘No-one...

‘Let Light Shine…’ (2)

‘Let Light Shine…’ (2)

Last week I touched on Jesus’ words in his Sermon on the Mount as part of the Christian response to William Barr’s statement that secular society is ‘forcing their values on people of faith’. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your...

‘Let Light Shine…’

‘Let Light Shine…’

An article on Monday reported a speech given by the US Attorney General, William Barr at Notre Dame Law School last Friday. Caleb Parke reported (FoxNews, 10.14.19), that the Attorney General ‘blasted “militant secularists” and their attacks on Judaeo-Christian...

‘God’s Honor…’

‘God’s Honor…’

Prayer is one of the essential keys to lives being transformed. So, I come back to my question: What do you really think of prayer?

‘Resurrection…?’ Coffee Suggestion #7

‘Resurrection…?’ Coffee Suggestion #7

It is sometimes said that the most difficult thing for the Christian church today is to get people to believe. I think the opposite is true. Most people will believe almost anything, providing that what is said is communicated with a voice of authority. GK Chesterton...

‘Do…?’ Coffee Suggestion #6

‘Do…?’ Coffee Suggestion #6

In a 6th Coffee Conversation let me suggest you explore with your friend(s) the question that a young magistrate who lived twenty-eight life spans ago (a life-span being seventy years) put to Jesus: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18)

‘Me…?’ Coffee Suggestion #5

‘Me…?’ Coffee Suggestion #5

In his Road to Character (Random Press: 2015), David Brooks writes, ‘…We have seen a broad shift from a culture of humility to the culture of what you might call the Big Me, from a culture that encouraged people to think humbly of themselves to a culture that...

‘Goodness…’ Coffee Suggestion #4

‘Goodness…’ Coffee Suggestion #4

Over the centuries the model of the Good Samaritan has set a pattern for compassion and care. God’s people especially have been involved, positively, sacrificially, joyfully, assisting people in pain – the hungry, the lonely and the elderly, the victims of abuse and of injustice, unemployment and poverty.

‘Transcendence…’ Coffee Suggestion #3

‘Transcendence…’ Coffee Suggestion #3

It’s easy to miss such opportunities. I say this because many today have only eaten a diet of secular progressivism when it comes to the subject of a Jewish celebrity of the 1st century – Jesus of Nazareth. Yet perhaps unsurprisingly, today’s generation which tends to focus on self, is not interested in learning from the past, let alone taking an interest in the primary documents that tell us about him.

‘Christmas…’ Coffee Suggestion #2

‘Christmas…’ Coffee Suggestion #2

What do most people like about Christmas? The lights, the food, time off work, getting together with friends and family, the carols? But how many are thinking, ‘We know it isn’t true’!



Because today’s western society insists there is no absolute truth, it follows that there is no agreed norm to guide human behavior. This makes life and the choices we make, entirely arbitrary. Robert Letham in The Holy Trinity makes this comment about the...



When the subject of religion comes up we often hear comments like: ‘Religion is for the weak-minded’, or ‘it is poisonous’. We also hear, ‘All religions are the same’. And if the conversation continues, we might get told, ‘Religious people are so self-righteous!’...



With concerns abounding over the tensions within nations and between nations we wonder what the future might hold. Psalm 146:3 says: Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to the earth;… How...

‘The God Worth Knowing…!’

‘The God Worth Knowing…!’

We regularly hear that social media and governments have powerful tools which reach into so many aspects of our personal affairs – phone calls, email, social media and our online searches. Psalm 139 tells us of another powerful source that looks into our lives – not...



‘Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done,’ are the words of a Christian song. How easily we forget to thank God for the countless good things he provides for us. We take it all for granted. But there is something...

‘A New Song…?’

‘A New Song…?’

People go to church where they love going to church. It’s a fact of life in our consumer society. They love the music, the architecture, and the popular preacher. What’s more, it’s the church where the family has its ties and friends attend.



Wednesday, July 10, 2019Doubt. One of the things I love about the Bible is its earthy realism. It understands the world we live in – the good and the bad, the joys and the sadness. It also understands how we feel about life’s injustices especially when we see people...