
Weekly Bible Reflection

‘Pentecost and Speaking Up…’

‘Pentecost and Speaking Up…’

Is there anything that can really make us different, that can shake us out of our apathy and anxieties? That can inject enthusiasm and joy, confidence and courage into our lives? Come with me to the events of Pentecost that we read about in Acts chapter 2. It was...

‘The Ascension and Two Kingdoms…’

‘The Ascension and Two Kingdoms…’

Welcome to this Word on Wednesday for Ascension Day. It is great to have you with us. In his article in The Spectator (UK), ‘The China model: Why is the West imitating Beijing?’ (May 8, 2021), Niall Ferguson writes: ‘In a revealing essay published last year, the...

‘Mother’s Day and a Word to Husbands…’

‘Mother’s Day and a Word to Husbands…’

Being Mother’s Day this Sunday (May 9), let me highlight little-known or oft-forgotten words to men in their relationship with women. It’s most important that we keep before us biblical principles in our relationships. In setting out features of the marriage...



Fruitful outcomes are something we normally expect from worthwhile endeavors. So, we look for measures of productivity in the corporate world – a measure of life and growth. Why then do we often overlook the fact that Jesus is concerned with productivity? He lived in...

‘Life to the Full…’

‘Life to the Full…’

Elections and the resulting political discourse remind us how much most people long for a leader who will bring us justice and peace, protection and prosperity. However, on every occasion our aspirations are dashed as leaders reveal their flaws and failures and...



I’m told that the golden arches of McDonald’s and the swirling script of Coca Cola’s logo are more widely recognized throughout the world today than the Christian cross. Millions around the world have never heard of Jesus Christ. Is the cancel culture that is keen to...

‘Christ is Risen…!’

‘Christ is Risen…!’

Writing in The Weekend Australian (April 3-4, 2021), John Carroll, emeritus professor of sociology at La Trobe University, Australia, comments ‘Immortality has become the great question mark… For the secular modern age, belief in any form of life after death is in...

‘Peter’s Pride…’

‘Peter’s Pride…’

No one likes failure. You may not have experienced it, but it happens, even to the smartest of people. We can experience failure when we let others down or when we fail to meet our own expectations. It can happen in unexpected moments when we like to feel we are in...

‘The God Who Suffered…’

‘The God Who Suffered…’

Towards the end of his finest book, The Cross of Christ, John Stott draws from the playlet, ‘The Long Silence’. At the end of time billions of people are found in the presence of God’s throne. While the majority stand back against the brilliant light, various groups...

‘God so loved the world…’

‘God so loved the world…’

In today’s world, God is not so much dead. He is cancelled. He is not to be spoken about. If he is, there’s nothing good to say about him: 'he is uncaring and grim'. How different this is from what the Bible actually says about God. Consider the most well- known words...

‘Water into Wine’

‘Water into Wine’

In his book, God and Stephen Hawking, Dr. John Lennox notes a current objection to miracles that says: ‘Now we know the laws of nature, miracles are impossible’. To which Dr. Lennox responds: ‘From a theistic perspective, the laws of nature predict what is bound to...



Aspects of Christianity can seem far-fetched to our 21st century minds. The miraculous elements make it seem like the story of Santa Claus or fairies at the bottom of the garden. But before we dismiss such events as pure fiction, it’s worth remembering GK Chesterton’s...

‘Gestalt Phenomenon…?’

‘Gestalt Phenomenon…?’

‘We have only one life to live! We need to live it well.’ How many of us really believe this? Most people have a sneaking suspicion that there is more to life – that death is not the end of our existence. C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity commented, If I find in myself...

‘Ash Wednesday…’

‘Ash Wednesday…’

No-one likes a hypocrite – someone who says one thing and does another. A hypocrite is basically an actor – consciously or unconsciously. In fact, the original Greek word translated by our English word hypocrite, means actor. In Matthew 6:1 Jesus warns: “Beware of...

‘Have You Not Heard…?’

‘Have You Not Heard…?’

The resentment, bitterness and pain that many have experienced through the pandemic have tended to drive people further away from any sense of belief in God. ‘If God is there,’ I hear people say, ‘he certainly is not kind and compassionate. He can’t be good.’ Where...



It’s said that patience is a virtue. It’s a very old saying from the 14th C and is attributed to William Langland. It reflects a Latin proverb, patience is the greatest virtue. But is patience a virtue? Let me suggest that it is the context that helps us understand...

‘The Power of Words…’

‘The Power of Words…’

Words, words, words. We are constantly bombarded by them — from Social Media, email and text messages, our phones, TV and movies. And now you’re reading words from me! Have you ever wondered why words are so powerful? Words on the tongue of the comedian can make us...

‘Just Another Story…’

‘Just Another Story…’

Everyone loves a good story.  Millions have enjoyed J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and millions more, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. The Bible has been described as ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’. Many would agree, but rarely read it or think about it. Deep down we...