
Weekly Bible Reflection

‘The Power of Prayer…’

‘The Power of Prayer…’

Listening to a replay of the Last Night of the 2021 BBC Proms I recalled their origin. In 1894 Robert Newman, manager of the then new Queen’s Hall near Langham Place, London, initiated classical music concerts that would be available for everyone. It was not long...

‘Unexpected Power…’

‘Unexpected Power…’

With the geo-political upheavals the world is experiencing many fear what the future holds. The uncertainty today is exacerbated by the angry divisions within societies. Vindictiveness has replaced respectful and serious conversation. And we can feel utterly powerless...

‘September 11 – Twenty Years On…’

‘September 11 – Twenty Years On…’

Twenty years ago Judith and I were living three short blocks south of the Twin Towers in Downtown Manhattan. We had awakened that Tuesday morning to clear blue skies and the sparkling waters of New York Harbor. But it was not to last. We felt the shock when the first...

‘Where is Our Hope…?’

‘Where is Our Hope…?’

With the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the rise of ISIS-K and the prospect of renewed acts of terrorism, we wonder what the future holds. Judith and I were living in close proximity to the Twin Towers, Downtown Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Psalm 146:3...

‘Spiritual Conflict…?’

‘Spiritual Conflict…?’

In his Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis says that there are two equal and opposite errors that people fall into regarding the dark powers. One mistake is to disbelieve in their existence, the other is to believe in them to excess. In Ephesians 6:10-12, Paul the Apostle...

‘Spirit Filled…?’

‘Spirit Filled…?’

How are we to reach a world that insists there are no absolutes? In his recently released, Christians: The Urgent Case for Jesus in Our World, Dr. Greg Sheridan comments, ‘Popular culture has turned against God, especially against the Christian churches, and pretty...

‘Spiritual Amnesia…?’

‘Spiritual Amnesia…?’

In his recently released, Christians: The Urgent Case for Jesus in Our World, widely respected Australian journalist, Dr Greg Sheridan writes: ‘In the West… religious belief has been in serious decline in recent years. The loss of faith is part of a broad movement in...

‘Nice People or New People…?’

‘Nice People or New People…?’

A question sometimes put to me is this: ‘Why are many non-churchgoers nicer than some who say they’re Christians?’ Shouldn’t we expect God’s people to be living lives reflecting Jesus’ teaching? Certainly Paul the Apostle expects this. In Ephesians chapter 4, verse 1...

‘Great Expectations…?’

‘Great Expectations…?’

As I write just under 200 million people throughout the world have been infected by Covid-19 and over 4 million have died. Yet in the midst of this pandemic some who claim to be Christian insist that God will look after them – they don’t need to wear a mask, let alone...

‘The Mystery Unveiled…’

‘The Mystery Unveiled…’

Most people sense that beyond the visible and material world another world exists. The attraction of Star Wars and the level of interest in Harry Potter, especially amongst the young, are indicators that the notion of the supernatural abounds. Despite what cultural...



Alienation is a word often used to describe our human plight. Everywhere relationships are broken. While people may speak of ‘the power of love’, there is often no substance to it, for love is subjectively defined. It has more to do with your love for me – whoever and...

‘Caught Up in God’s Epic…’

‘Caught Up in God’s Epic…’

Everyone loves a story. Stories grab our attention and draw us in. Some stories don’t satisfy – perhaps because there’s no conclusion, or injustice and evil succeed. Great epics, such as Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings stir our imagination and touch our inner longings for...

‘Thorn in the Flesh…’

‘Thorn in the Flesh…’

What on earth does God promise us? Health, wealth, success? Confusion often arises amongst God’s people, as well as in the wider community, because many of us think we have a right to expect to be healed and blessed with material riches and success. And there are...

‘Hopeless or Hopeful…?’

‘Hopeless or Hopeful…?’

Helpless. Over the last seventeen months millions have watched helplessly as loved ones have died from Covid-19. For many there has been no comfort or hope. In recent times our culture has made a habit of setting aside the wisdom of the past, and especially the wisdom...

‘Faith, NOT Fear…’

‘Faith, NOT Fear…’

There are times in life when we feel utterly helpless. The morning of September 11, 2001 in Downtown New York City close to the twin towers, was one such moment for me. You may have experienced such a moment in your own life – a moment when you felt alone and...

‘Identity Matters…’

‘Identity Matters…’

Personal identity is the subject of much robust discussion today. Is our identity defined by what we feel about our color or gender or something else? There are white people who say they ‘feel’ black. And I recently heard of someone who didn’t ‘feel’ their legs were...

‘Is It Just All Relative…?’

‘Is It Just All Relative…?’

As we start a new season we will be addressing contemporary questions in the light of the life and work of Jesus of Nazareth. In recent decades the uncertainty of postmodernism has echoed throughout the West – in academia, the media, the school classroom and in the...

‘Delighting in the Triune God…’

‘Delighting in the Triune God…’

Robert Letham in The Holy Trinity (2004) commented on the impact of postmodernism on society: ‘In terms of instability and diversity, he said, ‘the postmodern world of constant flux is seeing insecurity, breakdown, and the rise of various forms of terrorism… As...