
Anglican Connection Online Conference


If you missed the Anglican Connection Online Conference (February 2-3), register for US$30.00 to access the gospel-focused conference until May 31.

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Our culture is like sand, shifting and changing. It says there is no right or wrong; you make your own truth. Fame and popularity have become more important than kindness and virtue. And just like the tide and the waves, our culture will bend us to its will as long as we sit on the shore.

Jesus said: “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).


This year’s conference seeks to challenge and equip God’s people to understand our shifting culture and to point them to God’s Word at this time of complex cultural change.

The Anglican Connection is not only for Anglicans.
It is for all who are keen to harness the riches of the 16th Century Reformation in the Gospel cause today.

    Speakers include

    Dr John Lennox

    Dr John Lennox

    John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics (emeritus) at the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Said Business School, Oxford University, where he teaches for the Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme, as well as an adjunct lecturer at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics.

    Professor Lennox studied at the Royal School Armagh, Northern Ireland and went on to Cambridge University from which he took his MA, MMath and PhD. He worked for many years in the Mathematics Institute at the University of Wales in Cardiff, which awarded him a DSc for his research. In addition to over seventy published mathematical papers, he is the co-author of two research level texts in algebra in the Oxford Mathematical Monographs series.

    He is interested in the interface between science, philosophy and theology and his books on those topics include God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?Gunning for GodGod and Stephen Hawking, and (his most recent) Can Science Explain Everything? Professor Lennox has lectured extensively in North America, Eastern and Western Europe on mathematics, the philosophy of science and the intellectual defence of Christianity. He has also debated a number of prominent atheists, including Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Peter Singer.

    Richard E. Borgonon

    Richard E. Borgonon

    In the Lloyds insurance market for 45 years, Richard has held various international industry leadership positions, including being Chairman of a Lloyds broker and continues today to be Chairman of two Bermuda based brokers and runs his own consultancy company. He is Non-Exec Chairman of the fast growing Christian publishers and book distributors (www.10ofthose.com) and  Chairman of a Christian Foundation specialising in bible based ministry.

    Today, Richard spends 85% of his time enthusing about sharing the bible through The WORD One to One – a bible resource he helped author for any Christian to share the book of JOHN with their non-Christian contacts. It has gone global.  He can be seen around the world on TBN TV in the WORD One to One TV series and as an international speaker and evangelist. When not traveling, he meets individually with senior City of London executives introducing looking into God’s Word.

    Dr. HF (Fritz) Schaefer III

    Dr. HF (Fritz) Schaefer III

    From 1969-1987, Henry Schaefer was a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, where he and Charles Bender discovered, contrary to experiment,  the bent structure of triplet methylene.  His scientific recognition includes six awards from the American Chemical Society, namely Pure Chemistry, Leo Hendrik Baekeland, Ira Remsen, Theoretical Chemistry, Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, and the Charles H. Stone Award.   With his group of 123 successful PhD. students (15 in progress) and many post-doctorals, Schaefer is the author of 1600 scientific publications, garnering more than 72,000 citations and an H-Index of 120.  His research develops new theoretical and computational methods to solve important problems in chemistry.

    Dr. Schaefer is the Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia. He is one of the leading computational quantum chemists in the world. He is married to Karen and they have four children and six grandchildren.


    Dr. Henry Jansma

    Dr. Henry Jansma

    The Rev. Canon Henry P. Jansma, Ph.D. has lived in the United States and in England. Prior to planting All Souls Anglican (Cherry Hill NJ)  in 2014, Henry also served in The Church of England (1991-2001) and The Episcopal Church (2001-2013). Since 2013 he has been canonically resident in the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). Henry was appointed Canon Theologian for the Diocese in 2014.

    Dr. Liam Goligher

    Dr. Liam Goligher

    Dr. Liam Goligher began serving as Senior Minister at Tenth Presbyterian Church in April 2011. Before this he pastored churches in Ireland, Canada, Scotland, and London. He also served as a frequent speaker and council member of the Keswick Convention. He has authored several books including “Joseph – The Hidden Hand of God.” Liam is married to Christine and they have five children and eleven grandchildren.

    Rico Tice

    Rico Tice

    Rico Tice is the Senior Minister (Evangelism) at All Souls, Langham Place in London. Joining in 1994 during the later years of the ministry of John Stott, his main role is to help the hundreds of enquirers about the Christian faith who come through the doors of the church each year. He has also developed the Christianity Explored course, which introduces people to Jesus through studying the Gospel of Mark.

    Born in Chile in 1966, to the son of a businessman and a nurse, Rico grew up in Uganda and Zaire. He studied history at Bristol University and trained for ordination at Wycliffe College, Oxford (when he wasn’t playing rugby.)

    Rico continues to inspire believers to share their faith in Jesus, and develop new course material through an active teaching and equipping ministry. In 2011, the 3Edition of Christianity Explored was published. Over 10,000 courses per year now run globally across the denominational spectrum in excess of 100 countries and the material has been translated into more than 50 languages.

    September 2016 saw the launch of a new resource from CEM called ‘Life Explored’, which unpacks sin through the lens of idolatry. It’s a series of 7 weeks, with an introductory silent film, that tells a story of somebody chasing an idol. The guests can then reflect on the story, as we move into a walk through the Bible from Genesis 1, week 1 to Revelation 21/22, week 7.

    Other than rugby, Rico’s hobbies include playing golf and watching films. He married Lucy in December 2008 and they have three young children – Peter, Daniel and Mercy.

    Keith Getty. Keith Getty is Founder and Director, Hymn-writer, Lead musician, Getty Music. Keith is married to Kristyn and they have three daughters.

    John Mason. The Rev. Canon John G. Mason is the President of the Anglican Connection and Commissary to the Archbishop of Sydney in the USA. He was the founding minister of Christ Church New York City and what is now Emmanuel Anglican Church NYC. He is married to Judith and in the grace of God they have four adult children and six grandchildren.

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