Bible based
by The Rev. John G. Mason, Founder and Chairman
God’s Great Passion (2)…
In the light of Dr. George Barna’s Reports in February and March this year, I am touching on Bible references that have been foundational and inspirational for me. The Barna Report in February revealed, “that while 71% of adults” (in America) “believe in the existence...
God’s Great Passion (1)…
In a report released this week, Dr George Barna wrote that ‘Americans are increasingly minimizing the role and influence of God in their lives—with a minority of only 40% who believe He exists or influences human lives. ‘As a result, fewer American adults put God at...
The Challenges and the Opportunities of Gospel ministry…
Many today have never heard God’s gospel and so many others do not know what to believe. In Reformation Anglicanism, Archbishop Ben Kwashi of Northern Nigeria writes, “In much of the world today there are churches… everywhere and very many Christians, yet with little positive impact on society.”
At a time when many are in search of life’s meaning, The Anglican/Trinity Connection is a network committed to drawing from the biblical, theological and liturgical riches of the 16th century Reformation for the benefit of our 21st century mission.
We are committed to developing ministries that offer a fresh expression of biblical Christianity, and with it the opportunity for people to explore life’s deeper issues.
THE CONNECTION is a network of ministers, church leaders and members – not just Anglicans – who long to see God’s people growing in their faith, and more and more people in the wider community drawn to faith, connecting with vital, joyful, Christ-centered churches.
Gospel-centered (classic) Anglicanism has always insisted that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is ‘the word of truth’, and thus has focused on a rational ethos for its ministry, engaging in study and debate, as for example in the work of C.S. Lewis, J.R.W. Stott and J.I. Packer.
Rather than returning to the past, under God and inspired by his Spirit, we want the best of the past to speak into our life and gospel ministry today.